mfd_colorbreaks_r9October 7th 2016 is the 5th anniversary of MANUFACTURING DAY℠ celebrated every first Friday of October in the USA, several Canadian provinces, Mexico and Puerto Rico. 

The idea for celebration was to “address common mis-perceptions about manufacturing by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a coordinated effort, what manufacturing is — and what it isn’t.

It was designed for the purpose to amplify the voice of individual manufacturers and coordinate a collective chorus of manufacturers with common concerns and challenges, empowering them to help their communities and future generations thrive.

There are more than 2500  EVENTS, public and online you can attend!!! Thousands of manufacturers will host students, job seekers and community leaders at open houses, plant tours and educational sessions to showcase modern manufacturing technology and the jobs available.

Find an #MFGday16 Event Near You! check the event list here

Also, you can enjoy all day a How It’s Made Marathon on Science Channel.
I’ll share a video to start celebrating the Manufacturing day! How Oreo Biscuits are made!

ENJOY THE MANUFACTURING DAY and share your stories!

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